Blacktop Culinarians Unite!
2006, Hans Steiniger has traveled to major pro sports venues
across the country in an effort to understand how tailgating differs
regionally as one moves from city to city. Throughout this
journey, numerous
connections were made with local tailgating groups eager to share their
experiences and open their grill pits to the many travelers that Quest
for 31. This is their story...
Razor's Edge Tailgate
At A Glance
Home Team: New England Patriots
Tailgating Since: 1989
Location: Rodman Lot on Route 1
Typical Tailgate Size: 30-60 Tailgaters
Regulars: Randy Pierce, Don & Karen Diamant, Geoff & Robin Tavola, Mike Aronson, Sue Von Idestine, Mark Morse, Vincent Raymond
Signature Drink: Bruschi Brew
Best Local Beer: Sam Adams
Tailgate Cruiser: Razor's Edge Express
Member Since: December 6, 2010
Member Bio:
We are simply known as Razor's Edge Tailgate club and we are an officially recognized Fangroup
of the New England Patriots. The group started in 1989 with a handful of season ticket holders in a lot across from the stadium.
It morphed into the "Bruschi Backers" supporting former Patriot linebacker, Tedy Bruschi. The group's "Full Tilt Full Time" banner eventually made its way into the Patriots Hall of Fame. The term "Full Tilt Full Time" was coined by one of the founding members, Randy Pierce.
We boast two former Patriots Fans of the Year and of our 85 members, we have members from 13 states and Canada too! This is a family group. Members are not afraid to bring their children, wives or girlfriends. We typically invite fans from opposing teams to join us. We also like to host Patriots fans that come to Gillette stadium for one game. We give
them the opportunity to enjoy the full tailgate experience. The name Razor's Edge Tailgate came after Tedy Bruschi retired and it is a ode to the Stadium whose sponsor, Gillette, is famous for their razor blades. The location is across the street on the far edge, hence the name Razor's Edge Tailgate.
Typical Gameday Spread:
There is nothing typical about our game day spread. It is smorgasbord and a cocktail party combination. Everyone brings there own entree and we could have
any of the following on a typical gameday, venison, buffalo, many types of marinated meats, chicken, swordfish and ribs. Everyone shares what they bring, and it's
neat when people bring a plate around the tailgate so you get a taste of what they brought. We even have vegetarian meals, especially the grilled
asparagus. Our top tradition is the Jell-O shot toast (and we have non
alcoholic and sugar free as well). The toast is made at 10:54 for a 1:00
game. We also tailgate after the game for a two hours to let the traffic