Blacktop Culinarians Unite!
2006, Hans Steiniger has traveled to major pro sports venues across the
country in an effort to understand how tailgating differs regionally as
one moves from city to city. Throughout this journey, numerous
connections were made with local tailgating groups eager to share their
experiences and open their grill pits to the many travelers that Quest
for 31. This is their story...
Conklin's Tailgate Bar and Grill (CBnG) At A Glance
Home Team: Buffalo Bills
Tailgating Since: 1989/CBnG est. 2002, Illegal Motion
est. 2004
Location: Route 20A Grass Lot West of Lot 1
Typical Tailgate Size: 100-300 Tailgaters
Signature Drink: The Illegal Motion Shot
Signature Sandwich: The “Aud Club” Style Fried Bologna Sandwich – Fried Bologna (Thick Cut) served
with American Cheese and Peppers and Onions.
Best Local Beer: Ellicottville Brewery, 3 Heads Brewing, OBS Cidery or an ice cold Blue Light
Tailgate Cruiser: Illegal Motion (Vintage 1977 Bread Truck)
Member Since: September 15, 2018
Member Bio:
A great tailgate can be big or small. The common thread is that it is a group of like-minded
fans enjoying some tailgating before the battle on the grid iron. In Buffalo, you can see
great tailgates everywhere you go. It is after all Buffalo Bills country, the stuff of legends
on turf and on the black top. Whether it is “Wide Right” or “4 Straight” Bills fans are
obsessed and possessed by the need to support the home team and have great tailgating.
The difference between tailgates is not so much size but the level of “fandom” created.
Take for example the crew at Conklin’s Tailgate Bar and Grill, what started out as a grill
and a bunch of life long friends getting together on a Sunday morning, that now perfectly
represents all that Buffalo has to offer in a real tailgate experience.
What started off in 1989 just a group of guys from Dansville New York tailgating; steadily
grew through the years to its tipping point. For years people came to Conklin’s Tailgate,
which originator John “Pie” Schleyer jokes that he brought the group together, it was a
misspoken comment that put the name Conklin to the tailgate. A chance meeting at the Big
Tree with Patriots Super Fan “Mr. Freeze” lead to the birth of the CBnG. Mr. Freeze told
the crew that he had a tailgating truck and that was all that was needed to get the creative
minds of the owners working. While driving through Bergen NY a truck was spotted; a
1977 Bread Truck that had seen better days. With a $1,500 purchase, things started to
come together. The cooperative effort and networking of the “Owners” turned a
weathered and worn truck into what would be known as “Illegal Motion.” With a logo
created by Pie, the owners set out to design the ultimate “Tailgate on Wheels.” With the
interior consisting of seating and a full bar; Illegal Motion became a beacon for all things
1977. From the iconic Farrah Fawcett poster to the “College” photo of John Belushi,
Illegal Motion has become a mecca for tailgating in Buffalo. Fans are encouraged to take
pictures in front of or standing next to the truck because after your first visit you are
always welcome back.
The CBnG experience is a complete and family friendly tailgate that offers an experience
sometimes duplicated but never truly replicated. From the custom-made grill, interior and
exterior sound system all your tailgating needs are taken care of. On September 12, 2004
the Illegal Motion took its place in Lot 1 a few hundred feet from HOF Tailgater Pinto Ron
and Coffin’s Corner. With a reputation of a quality tailgate with amazing food, the tallest
flag pole was the beacon for all tailgaters needing to find the CBnG. Like moths to a flame
people have come to know where a great tailgate with great music, cold drinks, and
amazing food is located game in and game out.
Food is as much about tailgating at the CBnG as it is about singing the theme song
“Eastbound and Down”. Serving everything from its signature Fried Bologna to Jerk
Chicken Legs, the is always something cooking on the grill. With an ever-changing menu
there is always something delicious to eat. With Conk, Jack, Pie and Scotty manning the
grill those first years no one ever went hungry. The CBnG has been featured on Inside the
NFL and The CBS morning show, spreading the good word of tailgating. In 2009, the
CBnG lead by Scotty, Pie, Bart and Conk appeared on Tailgate Warriors with Guy Fiere.
An epic battle with Chicago’s own DaBus showed the viewing audience what real tailgating
was all about. Now parked every day in the lot adjacent to Lot 1 the CBnG welcomes fan of
any team to enjoy game day in a friendly environment. Just look for the tallest flagpole
and listen for great music. Having hosted fans from all over NFL Nation, everyone is
welcome. Illegal Motion is your home to the ultimate “Tailgreat” experience.
CBnG Owners – John “Pie” Schleyer, Peter “The Conk” Conklin, Jack Conklin, Bart,
Scott “Scotty” Hunsinger, Peter “The Rock” Krog, Jeff “Foose” Tracy, Steve “Spider”
Smyder and Chris “Rambo” Ramsey.